Informing ourselves/empowering ourselves

Empowering for Wellness!

February 26, 20256 min read

Epic Blog vol.1

As we head into year two here at Epic Energy Centers-I want to empower us all with information that can aid us in our personal pursuit of health and wellness. I will be highlighting areas where we can all take personal responsibility and empower ourselves to make choices based on information that reinforces healthy decisions. I want to bring material that will help us make easy adjustments to our thinking and doing. In addition, we will be offering more events that can take you into a deeper dive into areas where you are curious or have interest. Watch our events page on our website for new events, monthly events and our weekly offerings.

 We are so honored to be in the position of bringing Enhanced Energy technology to central Oregon to serve you and support every other healing modality. -we love collaboration! If you have ideas or know of practitioners who do not yet know about us-get them here! We would love to do something together-there is room for everyone in Beautiful Central Oregon.

 The following information may be something you already know but I am starting here because what we eat is so vitally important and where many chemicals , shortcuts, and contaminants are present that we may not be aware of because this food has been around all our lives. Let’s just call this a “The More You Know…” situation!

 This information comes from -M. Moriah Mor, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist



Corn is used as animal feed and refined into countless different additives or fillers in food. This includes corn syrup, ascorbic acid (the vitamin C found in many supplements), corn starch, dextrose, maltodextrin, MSG, sorbitol, xylitol, and over 60 additional additives. 

Studies show that over 90% of corn grown in the United States is GMO. Since processed corn is used in so many foods this means a massive portion of food is tainted with GMO corn. This is concerning since research on animals has found that GMO corn may negatively affect the kidneys, liver, heart, and adrenal glands. (18)(19)(20) 

2. SOY

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, around 94% of soy is GMO. Soy is utilized by the food industry as an additive in a long list of foods including soybean oil, soy lecithin, soy protein, tocopherol (vitamin E), MSG, and mono-diglyceride. (21)(22) 


Research shows canola oil causes a wide range of health issues including chronic inflammation, weight gain, and memory impairment. 

Many types of generic vegetable oils are a mixture of GMO corn, soybean, cottonseed, or canola oil. These oils are typically used in fast food restaurants. All of these oils are genetically modified to resist herbicides like glyphosate, which means they are likely contaminated with Roundup. (23) 


Aspartame is a widely used artificial sweetener found in diet sodas, low sugar beverages, and low-calorie sweets. Studies found aspartame to be associated with chronic health conditions including cancer, seizures, depression, lupus, birth defects, weight gain, Alzheimer’s, and ADHD. (24)(25)(26) 


Sugar Beets are widely used for the production of sugar or sucrose. This GMO product is known to be saturated with glyphosate. Currently, approximately 95% of sugar beets grown in North America are genetically modified. 


Unless derived from organic foods, non-organic vitamins can contain GMO ingredients made from corn and soy. This includes ascorbic acid, tocopherol, and magnesium stearate. If the vitamins are chewable or gummies, they also likely contain aspartame or some other artificial sweetener. Getting your vitamins from real, organic food sources will eliminate the potential for consuming GMOs and other additives.


Baby Formula often contains GMO ingredients that should never be consumed by an adult, let alone an infant. This includes corn syrup, soy protein, soy oil, sucrose, and canola oil. 


Most Hawaiian varieties of the papaya fruit are genetically modified to be disease resistant. If you don’t want to risk eating the GMO versions look for organic, which is always non-GMO.


Arctic Apples were developed using a new, experimental GMO technique called RNA  interference to prevent the apple from browning. It’s unknown what safety implications this holds for human health. When it comes to apple varieties, always choose organic since apples are one of the most heavily sprayed crops. (27) 


Approximately 85% of cotton in the United States is genetically modified. Even though cotton is not a food, the food industry cleverly repurposed it into cottonseed oil. Countless food companies and restaurants sneak it into their food or use it for cooking. (28) 

Cotton is known as one of the world’s top polluting crops due to the high amounts of pesticides and herbicides sprayed in the process of cottonseed oil production. It is then heavily refined with hexane, bleach, and deodorizers, so not only is it GMO, but it is processed with multiple toxic chemicals. (29) 


Potatoes are one of the most recently approved genetically modified crops using the new GMO technique of RNA interference. Sold under the brand name of “White Russet” these potatoes were designed not to show signs of bruising and browning. Little research has been done on long-term safety of the potatoes, however, the scientist who developed these potatoes, Dr. Caius Rommens, wrote a book called Pandora’s Potatoes in which he renounces his work and raises serious concerns about the process and safety of GMO foods. (30)  


More than 95% of all animals used for meat and dairy in the US eat GMO crops. Food for thought, it is not only about what we eat, but also what we eat has eaten.


Each year the Environmental Working Group provides a list of produce that contains the highest amount of pesticide residue known as the “Dirty Dozen.” Numerous scientific studies have shown that consuming produce high in pesticide residues increases the risk of adverse and chronic health conditions.  

Studies show that organic varieties do provide significantly greater levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus than non-organic varieties of the same foods. Additionally, organic produce has been shown to have more antioxidants and flavonoids. To boot, farm animals that are fed an organic, non-GMO diet have higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids and show a reduced number of dangerous types of bacteria that are extremely common in conventionally raised animals. (31)(32)(33)  

It should be noted that pesticide residues are absorbed via the root system of the plant, becoming part of the plant, fruit, and vegetables, we eat. Therefore, washing and peeling cannot completely remove the residues. Over time, consumption of pesticide-laden foods leads to bio-accumulation of toxins in the body, which in turn creates the perfect environment for chronic and debilitating health conditions. (34) 


As Dr. Henele from the Energetic Health Institute states in Energetic Health Volume 1, “we vote with our dollars.” Every time you buy organic, you are persuading more farmers to grow organic. Our choices today impact the world we leave for our children and future generations. When aiming to purchase fresh produce with the lowest pesticide residue, buy organic, and when possible, locally grown. Buying organic and non-GMO foods creates sustainable food practices that are healthier for people and the planet and supports local business instead of large corporations. 

M. Moriah Mor, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, is the owner of The company is committed to helping individuals live a healthier lifestyle through education, nutrition, the research of life science, and the development of Professional High-Grade Premium health products.



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